1332x850 - They are needed for the completionist all the way trophy or achievement (100% completion).
Original Resolution: 1332x850 Assassins Creed Eagle Wallpaper Eagles are large birds of prey primarily found across the globe and are classified under the bird family accipitridae. 1125x1602 - Connor silhouette, silhouette of connor, connor vector, assassin's creed vector, connor png, connor ai, assassin's creed images, connor siluette, siluettes of assassin's creed, connor shape.
Original Resolution: 1125x1602 Senu Vs Ikaros Texture Quality Issues Assassinscreed I then wanted to add desmond into it somehow and the eagle logo in the background is the symbol on desmond's shirt in acii and brotherhood, i believe its also on the back of his hoodie too. 1000x1000 - Include spoiler in your title, but do not spoil it's not something exclusive to the assassins.
Original Resolution: 1000x1000 Assassin S Creed Eagle Shower Curtain By Blackwolf7 Redbubble Assassin's creed ii game guide by gamepressure.com.